Maison du Kochersberg

Address Address

4 Place du Marché
67370 Truchtersheim

Getting there
Photo Maison du Kochersberg See more photos

The Friends of the Kochersberg House, who founded an association in 1980 to preserve the rich local heritage, refused to create a static museum, intended to make visitors reminisce and long for the past. Quite the contrary, they wanted a lively “House” which would teach how to understand the present by looking at the past. Every year the “House” organizes a ten-month exhibition which opens in December. Each exhibition has a definite topic and the objects are on loan from many collectors. The visitors can compare their ways of life with those of previous generations. In between two exhibitions, the “House” holds its “Artists' Exposition” in October and November with paintings, drawings, sculptures, inlays, ceramics, stained-glass windows etc… commented by the artists themselves. A special room is reserved for the permanent exhibition: authentic costumes from Kochersberg with variations depending on religion, status or wealth. The Association puts out a biannual magazine, available in Truchtersheim. The “Kocherschbari” are well documented thanks to their numerous authors, poets and artists who love Kochersberg.

Exhibitions :
The years 1940-45 (2005) -ends January 15, 2006
The measure of time (2006) February 12 - November 5

  • Methods of payment



    Credit card

  • Practical services

    Group reception

  • Languages spoken




  • Disabled access


  • Animals accepted


  • Catering on spot


  • Package visits offered

    Free visit

    Guided tour for groups

    Guided tour for groups with reservation

  • Prices (events, products, etc.)

    Visite libre : adulte : 4€ Gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans, étudiants, chômeurs et demandeurs d'emplois. Visite guidée : 6€ par personne. Groupe de moins de 10 personnes : 60€ pour tout le groupe.

  • Length of visit/event

    1h30 min

  • Practical services (museums)



Maison du Kochersberg Maison du Kochersberg Maison du Kochersberg Maison du Kochersberg



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